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Smile Makeover

If you’re unhappy with your smile but not sure how to proceed, a smile makeover could be suitable for you.

A smile makeover is a holistic approach to improving the look of your smile and encompasses two or more treatments – these can be general dental treatments or restorative and cosmetic procedures. The aim of a smile makeover is to give you a healthy-looking smile you can feel confident about. Your smile makeover is whatever you would like it to be.

Smile makeovers: the benefits

  • Address aspects of your smile you aren’t happy with.
  • Make a great first impression with employers and colleagues.
  • Bespoke treatment – your dentist will create a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

What can I expect from a smile makeover?

You and your dentist will have a chat about the aspects of your smile you’re unhappy with and decide on how you would like to proceed. Your dentist will present some ideas to you and go through what is involved during the consultation appointment. As every patient is different, no two smile makeovers will be the same. Whilst one patient may want teeth whitening and veneers treatment, another may opt for dental implants and facial aesthetics treatment, for example.

For more information regarding this treatment

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